Some Computing History

Oldest computers Stonehenge In many introductions to computing, the Antikythera mechanism is mentioned, which is a 60-gear mechanical astrological calculator made about 2000 years ago.


Adders Half Adder A half adder is a component which adds the right-most bits of two numbers.


Positional Number Systems As mentioned: numbers are an abstraction. One number can be represented in many ways, including the positional number systems.

ISA and µArchitecture

Around 1950, as the demand for more powerful, faster processors was growing, one engineer, faced with the increasingly complex and error-prone task of designing new processors, had a great thought: create a simple, more reliable ‘CPU’ which simulates more complex processors.


Although Multi-tasking, Concurrency and Parallelism all refer to the same concept, more than one thing happening at once, they are entirely different ideas.


A process is An executable program (i.e. ISA instructions) data used by that program (variables, stack, buffers, etcetera) an execution context = current state The OS maintains administration of many aspects including: